A Fable
by Danielle
Once upon a time there was a turtle named Emmit. On Emmit’s 9th birthday he had 30 presents, after he opened all of them his father said “ we have one more present for you” and he took a card out of his shell and handed it to Emmit, Emmit open it and gasped in amazement “I’m getting a new shell!”(But is very exiting thing for turtle’s to get a new shell) he was so exited he didn’t hear his father say“don’t tell anybody about it” Even though it was 5:00 Emmit rushed to his room got his pajamas on and almost brushed his teeth when his mom called from downstairs “Emmit dear don’t you want dinner it’s your favorite but it’s getting cold” Emmit stopped just before he squeezed the toothpaste onto his toothbrush. He ran as fast as he could down the stairs and grabbed his bowl gobbled it and rushed up the stairs and up to his room yelling “ good night mom and dad!” He got his teeth brushed and plopped on his bed and fell right asleep. The next day he woke up early (just as he planned even though it was5:00 and he needed to go to school at 7:00) and woke up his parents and got ready for school Emmit’s mom said sleepily “honey you know the bus comes at 6:00” “yes I do but I want to go to school by our car today” Emmit said. After Emmit’s parent’s got dressed they took him to school he went inside and saw the janitor and the janitor said “you the one that’s supposed to help me today?” “No sir, but tomorrow I’m getting a new shell!” Emmit shouted happily. One hour later lots of turtles came for the breakfast, then when he was done eating his 7th helping Emmit shouted “Hey everybody I’m getting a new shell tomorrow!” After school he went home ate dinner and got in his pajamas and brushed his teeth and got in bed and tried to go to sleep but he had slept so long last night he couldn’t get to sleep, so Emmit got comfortable and finally got to sleep. The next morning he was so comfortable that he slept for a long time, his mother woke him up saying “Emmit your shell is here” Emmit woke up quickly and said “it’s here oh no!” and he got dressed quickly and rushed outside “Oh no” he said “It’s gone!” then his mother said “oh my I only left it for a second.”
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