Monday, April 29, 2013

Gloria, Reading
The Good Master
The Good Master is a book about a family on a farm. Janci, the 11 year old boy, has a cousin named Kate, who is a bit of a troublemaker, but life on a farm changes Kate a lot.What I think about the book, is that Kate just needed some attention.

This book was pretty good. It was a very good example of relationships in the family on a farm, and other parts of Holland culture. There were some slow parts, but I give this book a 8/10.
LA, Gloria
There's No Place Like... My Backyard

One of my favorite places in the world isn't anywhere exotic. It's probably only is special to me. In fact, it's my backyard. Not much grass grows in my backyard, and whatever grass does manage to struggle up, it looks very untidy and messy. In the middle of my yard, there is a play set, with a wooden 'house'as well as a swing set with three swings. The play set is about six years old, it's sturdy, and not rotting, but it doesn't exactly look brand new. To the right of the play set is a little shed, all metal, which is also pretty untidy.

Even though the whole place sounds like a mess, I like it. If I want a place to think, or just want to do something, I swing on that old swing set. The whole place is familiar and comforting. I feel calmer, and it gives my spirits a boost. I hope everyone can find a special place for themselves like my backyard.
Revolutionary Mexico City Hospital Facade Absorbs Toxins
 A group of  people in Mexico City have added a new wing to their main hospital. But it's not just a hospital. One of it's walls is an air filter!!!

This is an interesting way to clean the air. It's also a nice way to take the 'going green' idea. Hopefully, this new technology will spread, so every city's air can be cleaner. Genesis 1:28, God gave humanity charge over the earth. We need to take care of it. 

And, on top of all this, this could help reduce pollution. That was actually the main point of this new technology. If this technology was put in all of the busy, polluted cities, it could really help the environment. God told us to take care of his creation. That's what we should be doing. We should go green.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Diary of a Ferret

January 1, 2001
            Hi diary it’s me Rosalita. My owner won’t let me go on walks anymore and I noticed that she is getting fat, or is that just that she is getting on more clothes? She is always in a hurry in the morning either goes to a place called school or going to work or meeting with her boss Suzan, I overheard that I am getting a friend soon! I wonder if it will be a dog, or a cat, or another ferret, I hope it is another ferret. Well it’s time for breakfast, talk to you later diary, Bye!

January 2, 2001
            Hello again diary I overheard that my friend is going to come tonight after my owner, Fiona’s, work! I am so exited I can barely write these words! Diary please excuse me for a second while I do my happy dance, I’m back and I wonder what I might do while Fiona is gone I don’t think I can sleep like I usually do but I guess I have to because then I have to sleep when my new friend arrives, and I don’t want to do that.. So I have to go to sleep please cross your fingers, if you have any, I hope it is a baby girl ferret. Bye.

January 2, 2001
            I did what I promised and it she actually is an albino! Her white fur and red eyes make her even cuter. She is a friendly little baby and she is 8 months old so she is not as smart, well I want to play with her so bye TTYL (talk to you later.)

January 3, 2001
            Today is “bring your pet to work” day, and I am very uncomfortable in this cat carrier, but I am glad that Bonita (the new ferret) is with me. Now we are at Fiona’s work and we actually have a cage there for us! Finally it is time for us to be shown to Fiona’s co-workers and everyone is crowding around Bonita but not me! It is so unfair that she is getting all the attention. I need to try and gather their attention so TTYL.

January 3, 2001
            I tried to get everyone’s attention but I just couldn’t so I had a sudden inspiration. I did my happy dance. (For I am very experienced and good at it.) It worked everyone came over to me and started admiring my moves. Then Bonita wanted her popularity back so she tried to do the dance but she had no experience and so it wasn’t as good as mine. Now I am happy because I got my attention back. Bye.

January 4, 2001
            Bonita is now angry at me for getting all the attention, and I keep on saying to her that she got a lot of attention at first. That doesn’t help her at all. I promised her that I would teach her the happy dance and so that is what I am going to do. Bye.

January 5, 2001
            I know I will have a good time with Bonita. It will be so fun to watch her grow up  I cannot write in this Journal my paws are shaking I think I am sick. Fiona is taking me to the vet tomorrow. Bye.

January 6, 2001
           The vet says I have a bad sickness that I can't spell. She says I'll have to have a lot of care, and that I could die. I cannot write is this journal for a long time, so bye.

Monday, April 8, 2013

A Prince Who Ran Away
There was a country in Europe called Prussia. The third king was Fredrick, Fredrick the great. Fredrick's father was the second king and he hated Fredrick because he loved poetry and music and so Fredrick couldn't take the pain that his father gave him and he ran away and he was caught and his father wanted for his punishment to be killed but it didn't happen. When Fredrick became king he wanted some land called Austria and he won in a war part of it and then the seven year war happened between Austria and Prussia. Prussia won. At the same time the English won against the French over America, and if it weren't for Fredrick winning  we Americans would be speaking French instead of English and we would be French and we wouldn't be "The Land of the Free" and "The Home of the Brave" thank you Fredrick. Now near Fredrick's Palace there was a mill a very ugly mill and so Fredrick offered the miller a lot of money for the mill so he could tear it down but the miller refused, and unlike most kings Fredrick let him be, and that very same mill still stands there today.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Red Cap and Heels
There were once two men named Lois XIII and Lois XIV, they both were ruler reigning in the seventeenth century. During Lois XIII reign there was a war and it lasted thirty years and unlike all wars it was Protestants against Catholics. Gustavus Adolphus took sides with the Protestants even though he was a Catholic, and the Protestants won because of him, but sadly during the end of the war he died. During the war the plague took place, and in a little town called Oberamergau the people prayed to God that if they were spared they would put on a show on Jesus life every ten years, they were spared and the plays still happen today. The next king was Lois XIV and he was very proud of himself and he thought that he was the smartest, handsomest, person ever. Now the poor people he was king over had to pay for every party present and everything that had to do with money except for earning it.