Saturday, October 29, 2011


By Gloria

If Christina makes an inappropriate comment, I will calmly correct her and will try to remember.

Christina stays up later and our alarm is set for 7:00 a.m. so I can get some sleep and Christina will stop arguing about waking up at 7:00.

If Christina asks why a question is inappropriate, I will calmly answer and explain if I can.

by Christina

If I say something inappropriate or do something wrong, Gloria will sweetly and kindly correct me. She will not hurt or get angry. And I will listen to her and apologize. If I do not understand, I will ask her and she will explain to me.

If I stay awake for an hour after she goes to bed, I will allow Gloria to stay asleep until 7:00 a.m. instead of the previous 6:00.

(Assignment from Sonlight LA Core G)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Water in our Houses and After it Leaves

by Gloria

How water gets to the house, and what happens after the drain

Water Stages

By Christina

Liquid, Solid, Gas

Snow Memories

By Danielle as told by Grandma Dee

I loved and still love the winter. I loved snowdrifts.

My brothers and I would go out and get up on the fence posts. The snow was piled up really high, sometimes as high as the fence post itself. We would stand on the post and fall off into the snow and get covered in it.

Other times, we would make slides out of the snow piles, slide down, and, again, get covered. We also would make tunnels in the drifts of snow and play in them.

I really loved those times playing in the snow. Now I can’t because I live in California.